Monday, June 29, 2009

vaLuEs educaTiOn...

(1) How does Values Education work to your advantage?

Values education is a big help for me as a daughter, as a student and as person in our community. It's an advantage because it molds our attitude for the future and for our own success in life. Without this kind of education, we might have a bad habits that can brake our future. Values education also helps us to be more responsible, balancing our time and be closer to our God/have faith with him.

(2) After you processed your first few experiences in MCL, in what way this will help you achieve successful adjustment in college?

Being a college student is quite difficult from a highschool one. In my first few experiences in MCL i felt so nervous, just like a typical freshman does, that' s why i've decided to be more independent and responsible. One thing that I've learned in our previous values education is to be responsible and independent in every thing we does. We need this kind of positive attitudes to survive our struggles in life. Having and maintaning the good values we had may help us to achieve our goals and success in life.

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