Monday, July 6, 2009

jOurnaL nUmbEr 3

If you will have one outstanding virtue, what would you want it to be? Why?

If i will have an outstanding virtue it would be "Faith" because without this virtue you may not be guided by the right way. We should have a fear of the Lord so that we are also be afraid to do unnecessary things. And have the conscience in everything we does.

Monday, June 29, 2009

jOurnaL enTry nO.2

(1) How was your first week of stay at MCL?

HmMm.. during my first day at MCL im so nervous, because its just the first time that i have to go on my own. Unlike before that i'm with friends/classmates with me. whEw... its so difficult being a college student. The grading system at MCL pressures me a lot. When im a highschool student,im almost contented for a grade of 50% but here at MCL i have to do my best in order to attain the grade that they require. hmMm... their facilities here at MCL is good and it looks like they maintain the cleanliness of the campus. =)

(2) Descibe your professors. What are the traits you find positive in each one.

Our professors? hmMm... I think all of them are approaching but i still don't have the guts to come to them during their consultation hours,,haHa =) some of our professors is a boring type and some looks like terror for being strict.. but let me tell you the good sides of them.. They all try their best for us to understand the lesson and pass the subject. They have their consultation hours so that you can come to them ask if you have your problems regarding their subject. They are all nice and some of them makes our discussion lively. Of all the professors that i encountered,,i really like the attitude of ma'am dela Cruz. because she is so down to earth,she knows how to make us alive, she always taught us that life is beautiful,hehe =)

(3) Describe your blockmates/section. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section?

My blockmates/section they are all nice and approachable. They are fun to be with. All of us have different attitudes and characteristics. We are all "makulit" and sometimes we get so ashame in each other,,hehe =) I think our strengths is when we all cooperate with one another and when we are allowd to speak in tagalog,,haha =) While our weaknesses is our attitude of being shy in one another.

(4)How do you find your courses? Which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are a little bit challenging? Why?

For me, all of the courses are difficult and challenging but thats the real value of life, all of the hardships are worth it after we have graduated. We just need patience and perseverance to pass all the challenges that we encounter. We just have to set our own goals in life in order to achieve it and be successful someday

(5) Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? What are they? Cite examples in terms in your academics, emotions, and social environment.

Ofcourse all of us have many adjustments that we must go through. For our academics,we should take it seriously and be a responsible one. Manage our time and Focus at all times. at our environment we should know how to socialize with other people and cooperate with them. And for our emotions,we must control it and don't take it easy.

vaLuEs educaTiOn...

(1) How does Values Education work to your advantage?

Values education is a big help for me as a daughter, as a student and as person in our community. It's an advantage because it molds our attitude for the future and for our own success in life. Without this kind of education, we might have a bad habits that can brake our future. Values education also helps us to be more responsible, balancing our time and be closer to our God/have faith with him.

(2) After you processed your first few experiences in MCL, in what way this will help you achieve successful adjustment in college?

Being a college student is quite difficult from a highschool one. In my first few experiences in MCL i felt so nervous, just like a typical freshman does, that' s why i've decided to be more independent and responsible. One thing that I've learned in our previous values education is to be responsible and independent in every thing we does. We need this kind of positive attitudes to survive our struggles in life. Having and maintaning the good values we had may help us to achieve our goals and success in life.